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How to Say Goodbye

With COVID-19, our days have become undefined. I find myself questioning the day of the week and whether or not I have food in my apartment. It was almost a surprise when I got an email this weekend congratulating my class on making to the last week. I blinked slowly and tried to come to terms with the contents of the email. I am almost done with my undergraduate career. I'll never forget the first day I walked to classes. I am from a small mountain town in North Carolina and was definitely not prepared for the weather. Backpack sweat was not a problem that I was aware of. I was hopelessly lost like the rest of my cohort, but it was all so exciting. It was strange that I could go anywhere at anytime. It was my first taste of freedom. I gained friends and created a small group that supported me through my first exam season. I cheered with band members at the basketball games that lead to a National Championship. I rushed Franklin Street for the first time and watched as my roomm

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