Remembering What I Love

We are almost a month into quarantine and I have officially run out of Netflix shows that interest me. I decided that I should get back into some hobbies that I used to enjoy. I have started writing again and I am remembering why I loved it so much.

In sixth grade, my English teacher gave my class an assignment. We would each submit a twenty-page story about anything we wanted. The focus wasn't on grammatical prowess, but instead on creativity. My fellow classmates grumbled when she announced the project, but I was excited. I started working on my story immediately.

I wrote the entire story in one-sitting and presented it to my mom. After she read the story and made some suggestions, I printed my story and was ready to show my teacher my piece of literary genius. I still have the story, and I must admit it wasn't as good as I thought it was. Nothing felt better than placing that twenty-page epic in my teacher's hands.

A few weeks later, bless that woman for grading all that work, and I got an A! My friends and I exchanged stories and read each others works. I continued writing stories all year and wrote my friends into each one. I felt so good that my friends liked my stories and each one felt like a mass publication.

So I have decided to reclaim some of the joy I once felt for writing. My next blog may just be the most fun one yet!


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